Attention all Village of Lindenhurst residents. The Village of Lindenhurst is looking for student volunteers to shovel snow for the elderly this winter. If you are interested in being paired with a senior in need on snow days, please contact the Village of Lindenhurst office at 631-592-5100.
The East Islip Soccer Club has a special needs soccer program called Just for Kicks. I started this 17 years ago to help my own son with AUTISM. We generally have about 90 players with special needs involved. The program is essentially run by young adults between the ages of 12 to 20 and they assist our young players. The success of the program is based on our instructors giving back to these players. Knowing how to play soccer is not a requirement. What is….you need to be KIND, patient , understanding and willing to make a difference in not just the players life but the family that looks to this program as one of the few opportunities for their child to be on a TEAM.
Can you help us?
We are having an instructor meeting at the Westbrook soccer fields on September 8th from 5:30.
This is the link to sign up for the program:
The program is 9 weeks on Fridays from 5:30 to 6:30.