St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School Re-opening Plan for September 2020:
St. John’s is currently committed to resume on campus operations for the Fall of 2020. Meetings have been taken place to review mandates from the Governor’s Office and New York State Education Department to create our plan to re-open in September.
On Monday, July 13, the Board of Regents released the Framework of Guidance to Reopen New York State Schools. This document is being used as a guide to help St. John’s create a comprehensive Re-opening Plan for September.
Although this plan includes all options for re-opening based on the above guidelines, the Administration continues to meet regularly to discuss each different scenario. Our goal is to provide exceptional instruction for all our students in a safe and secure learning environment.
While we are still waiting for concrete guidelines from the New York State Education Department and Governor Cuomo, we have planned several reopening scenarios.
Please note that these possibilities are simply proposals and not the actual plans for September 2020.
Option #1: In-Person Instruction in the School Building with Social Distancing
Students will be welcomed back to the building with a normal class schedule and social distancing protocols in place.
Option #2: Hybrid of In-Person Instruction in the School Building and Distance Learning
Students will split their instructional time between attending classes in the school building and engaging in Distance Learning at home.
Option #3: Distance Learning
Students will engage in Distance Learning during school hours five days a week.
Please know that the Administration, along with our maintenance staff, have been making enhancements to our school building to ensure that our entire campus will be ready for all health-related protocols for a September opening.
The Administration will continue to keep you informed with the most current information regarding any developments or changes to the re-opening plan. You will be notified as soon as we receive further information when the Governor releases his position on school openings within the State of New York, which is promised by August 7, 2020.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we plan for your child’s educational experience at St. John’s. Please know that the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff are the two top priorities in establishing re-opening plans for September.