As explained in the St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School Student Handbook:
Students are expected to be present in Advisory/Home Room at 7:50 am and thus should arrive to school no later than 7:40 am to allow time to go to their locker. Any student who arrives to Advisory after 7:50 am will be deemed "late to school." Students who arrive late must scan their ID card in the back lobby Attendance Office, must have a note or parental phone call with an explanation for their lateness,
and are subject to detention if the lateness is excessive or deemed illegal. Overslept, missed bus, etc., are not legal reasons for lateness. Seniors who are excessively late will lose their driving privileges.
Students who habitually have attendance issues may be placed on Attendance Probation. This may result in a student being ineligible to participate in after school activities, field trips, overnight trips, election to honor societies or student council office, the loss of senior driving privileges and other disciplinary actions. Denial of course credit is at the recommendation of the teachers and with administration’s approval. Excessive absence without medical verification may require a student to transfer from St John the Baptist DHS. A student who is excessively absent due to medical reasons may be required to enroll in home study.