In the case where a Chromebook or Chromebook accessory is damaged by means other than normal use, wear and tear (i.e. abuse, intentional damage, accidental physical damage, etc), the student/parent/guardian will be charged a fee for needed repairs, not to exceed the cost of replacing the Chromebook in its entirety. The SJB Administration will make the determination as to any fee assessed.
Lost or stolen Chromebooks should be reported to the SJB Libary as soon as possible. SJB will deploy location software which may aid in recovering the Chromebook.
Failure to report a stolen Chromebook in a timely manner may result in a request to replace the original Chromebook at full cost.
St. John the Baptist has contracted with CPR Cell Phone Repair in Amityville. Should a Chromebook be in need of repair, students are to bring them to the library. They will be issued a “loaner” until their Chromebook has been repaired. CPR Cell Phone Repair will make weekly pickups and drop offs throughout the school year.
Chromebooks Parts & Replacement All repair and replacement services are managed by the SJB Library.
Chromebooks Replacement - In the event you need to replace your Chromebook, please see the SJB Library.
Chromebook Charger & Cases - St. John the Baptist does not sell replacement chargers or cases for Chromebooks, these can be purchased online. Here are the specifications to assist in finding suitable charger and cases:
Charger Product Description: 45W AC ADAPTER nPFC USB-PD 3PIN
Charger is for HP Chromebook Model: HP Chromebook 11 G6 EE
Part Number: 934739-850