Thursday, March 5, 2020, Day 6
Tickets for this year’s Spring Musical Production of THE WIZ are on sale in the café during lunch periods. All tickets are reserved seating and are available for $15.00 each!
Attention all SJB Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores as well as Faculty and Staff. The SJB/NHS Spring Blood Drive is now underway. Please fill out a blood application obtained by your Homeroom Blood Captains. There is a serious shortage of blood this year…please help donate…. Thank you for giving the gift of life. All students involved in the Blood Drive will have a free dress down day on March 11th.
Tickets for the Junior Banquet will be sold for $60 for the rest of this week in the cafeteria during all lunch periods. Be sure to buy your ticket now before the price increases next week!
Student volunteers are invited to paint a mural and also socialize with residents at Bishop Ryan Group home run by Catholic Charities. Mrs. Luhmann is coordinating this service activity and invites anyone interested to attend a planning meeting today after school in room 207.
Any junior interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister must come to a short meeting in the library during your lunch period on Thursday or Friday.
Any girl interested in trying out for the Badminton team this spring MUST attend an informational meeting this Friday, March 9, 2020. The meeting will take place in the cafeteria at 3 pm. Any questions please see Ms. Herrera.
ALL students trying out for the Sailing Team need to attend a mandatory meeting TODAY @ 2:45 in room 208.
The Global Ambassador Club will be having a meeting this Thursday after school in room 311. All members are welcome to attend
The Brookhaven National Laboratory Hispanic Heritage Group Stem Scholarship is now available to all seniors of Hispanic heritage. The deadline on or before April 1st. Please see your counselor for an application.
Reminder to all seniors to return all Scholarship and Acceptance letters to the guidance office.